Instructional Design of ADDIE Model
ISD designers often use
Instructional technology as a method for develop the lesson.
Before creating any, we need to have a comprehension of what the learner needs and the learning outcome of our design.
To accomplish good ISD we have to follow the A.D.D.I.E. framework. Which stands for
A - Analyze
D - Design
D - Development
I - Implementation
E - Evaluation
In simpler words, ISD would refer to any instructional material that we created using the technology. While ISD models are guidelines that we need to follow before we start on creating a ISD for our teaching purposes. SIMPLE
Sure enough if you are an educator, this has to be considered.
Aside ADDIE, there are other models worth mentioning such as:
●Dick and Carey
●Rapid Prototyping
●Guaranteed Learning
●ARCS Model
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